Monday, November 16, 2009

Broken Machinery

This started out as a free-write, but took on an interesting pattern and became a poem. Enjoy.


my hinges are rusty
my engine is empty
not even any fumes
so I can cough or sigh
or even get high
so I can forget you and me
and our epiphany
that only turned out to be
carbon monoxide

I'm in need of adjustments
something oiled here
something replaced here
(did you even notice that it was missing?)
there's rust where I cry
"You're alright", you lie
so that wherever I go
I lose a bolt with each blow
the gaps in my metal show
the cobwebs inside


Monday, November 2, 2009

You, Illusion


You didn't end
up being any better.
You were nothing
but an illusion;
          angled mirrors, fishing
          line, and choking fog.

The sunny aura that
surrounded you,
          blinding and euphoric,
has dimmed
enough for me to
make out the lines, to
see the details, the things that
are truly there.
They are no
longer things that are left
only to my
optimistic imagination,
          sticking rainbows where
          spiderwebs go.

I wanted to
believe every thing you
told me so badly,
          each word a
          raindrop on desert sand
               each word a
               warm, smooth stroke on my head
                    each word a
                    hit of adrenaline
                         each word a
                         smile on my face.

                          But the raindrops were
                          of acid and salt,
                    the warm, smooth strokes
                    slit my throat,
               the hits were
               truly tainted heroin
         and the smiles were
         freckled with cavities
oozing pus and pain.
